What Does It Mean If Your Cat Is Crying Or Meowing In The Litter Box?

Pets & Animals Blog

Under normal circumstances, most cats are practically stealthy about using the litter box. It's a survival mechanism. By making too much noise and bringing attention to themselves in the wild while in the vulnerable position of trying to 'go,' cats would be in danger, so they try to normally try to do their business quietly. This is why it may come as a surprise when you hear a cat making audible cries in the litter box.

25 November 2020

How To Find An Internship

Pets & Animals Blog

If you are a high school senior or college student who is looking for an internship, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed about where to start. There are so many avenues that you could go down, some of which could affect the trajectory of your education or future career. Instead of being paralyzed by indecision, take a minute to look at your personal interests, and then study what internship could fit into those interests.

28 May 2020